Animal Activist Manoj Gautam Visits the BSN
Senior Visitors

We were very happy to welcome Manoj Gautam to the BSN on Monday. Manoj is the Director of The Jane Goodall Institute of Nepal, President of  Animal Welfare Network Nepal and the 2015 Award Winner of Future for Nature. He spoke very passionately about Animal Conservation and the impact by ‘man’ upon changes, development and cultural traditions. During his visit he presented to many students from Years 10 and 11 during Life Skills lessons. Manoj was joined at lunch time by members of the Eco Committee, following a tour of the Eco Garden. Many students engaged in lively discussions with Manoj and gained significant inspiration from the work he is doing in Nepal.







This was a wonderful opportunity for our students to see how one person with focus and determination can instigate change leading to more sustainable living, improved biodiversity and animal conservation. We are so grateful to be able to have visits such as these to the BSN.

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