Science, STEAM and Looking After Our Planet

Science takes centre stage at three of our BSN campuses at the end of the spring term.

JSV Science Fair

With phenomenal science investigations such as ‘What is the optimal pressure for a football?’, ‘Which type of liquid makes fingers the most wrinkly?’, ‘How does the intensity of exercise affect heart rate’ and many more, KS2 children amazed their parents and fellow students on Friday 1st March by presenting their science projects with so much scientific knowledge and enthusiasm. The hall and KS2 classrooms were filled with beautifully-presented project posters that clearly reflected the children’s strong understanding of the scientific method, as well as their passion for science experiments. “I was really nervous at first, talking to so many people, but I got lots of confidence and really enjoyed telling people all about how I investigated ice melting. I had to tell it over and over for each new person, but it was really fun.” Carolina from Y3.

#JSLSTEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths + English and Drama)

JSL ‘steamed’ towards the end of the term with a ten day cross-curricular focus on the highly topical theme of ‘Living in a Plastic World’. This whole school event helps to develop students’ scientific understanding and through spanning the curriculum highlights that these big world questions touch every aspect of our life. As part of this engaging fortnight, a range of activities took place. For example KS2 House Days, an exciting trip to the Space EXPO for Year 5, KS1 Science Day, a ‘Windy Day’ in Foundation and there were even recycled sculptures constructed in the playground! It also saw volunteers from the parent community running workshops for the children, ranging from exploring significant scientists through time to discovering that actually plastics can sometimes be good.

Seeing all ages embrace STEAMED fortnight was truly inspiring! As always, a huge that you to the entire community for helping make this event such a success.  

SSV KS3 Science Fair

Sixteen students took part in SSV’s first KS3 Science Fair. Projects ranged from looking at crystallization, DNA, reaction rates and waterproofness, to the effect of colours in advertisement, effectiveness of sport drinks and chromatography. The students presented their work to parents, siblings and teachers, but were ultimately there to wow the three external judges. They spoke with confidence and passion, explaining the science behind their projects. The judges had a tough choice ahead of them. After careful consideration, Tanisha and Katarzyna were the winners!  A special thank you to Dr. Thomas Smidt, Dr. Monse Garcia and Mrs Beth Casalis de Pury for judging the fair.


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