Music Makes the Money Roll In!
Music Charity

The children of Junior School Vlaskamp had a very special assembly where they presented a massive cheque to Joke Snelders, from the charity, Save The Children - the beneficiary of the BSN's fundraising cross-school Performance Week held in May.  The cheque was massive in both size and sum of money raised for the charity - a fantastic €2,505.84 and Joke thanked everyone involved and commented: "what a creative way for a school to earn money and a great example of how children, staff and parents can co-operate, do something really enjoyable and artistic - and raise such a large amount of money!"
Throughout Performance Week, the corridors, classrooms, halls and playgrounds of our three BSN Junior Schools rang out with the sweet sound of music, and the single aim of raising money for charity, 'Save The Children' all over the world.  Students, staff and parents from across the junior school community expressed themselves during breaks, lunchtimes and after school through fantastic performances including instrumental soloists, flash mobs, string ensembles, poetry recitals, intimate acoustic sessions and showcase concerts.
The centrepiece of all this fundraising was an amazing video made by the Music Department, students and staff at Junior School Vlaskamp who recorded their rendition of The Beatles classic, 'All You Need is Love', shared it on Twitter and in record time it had achieved over 4,500 views and counting.

Not to be outdone, the Senior School Choir 'Crescendo' came through to deliver their words of wisdom in a rousing acapella performance of “When I’m 64” at Junior Schools Leidschenveen and Diamanthorst!

Once again, we want to thank all the performers, staff and students across the school but extra special thanks also go to the BSN Community for the generous support show towards this fantastic cause.

If you would like see some of the amazing performances, you can do so by searching #BSNPerforms on our Twitter accounts and it's not too late to make a donation via the following link.

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