A Warm Welcome to The BSN for New Families
School Event

The BSN welcomed over 600 people to its four campuses across The Hague on Tuesday 6 September to help prepare and orientate over 300 new students and their parents ahead of the first day of term.

The four sites (JSV, JSD, JSL and SSV) were a-buzz as staff met mums and dads as well as the children, many of whom have recently relocated to The Netherlands for the first time. 
After meeting their class teachers and shown their classrooms, buses ferried families from the Junior Schools to the Senior School where they were served refreshments before hearing from key staff members including Principal and CEO Kieran Earley and all four of BSN’s Head Teachers. Furthermore, current Student Leaders took the new Year 7’s under their wings to reassure and answer those first day questions. For the younger children entertainment was provided in the form of a magician who held them spell-bound with superb tricks and jokes.

The New Families’ Welcome Day was a great opportunity for new parents to discuss any queries at the various departmental ‘market stalls’ which included Co-Curricular Activities, The Uniform Shop, Family Association, Communications, Accounts and Sport. It was also where students could pick up their iPads, which are given out to all new students as part of the BSN’s E-Learning strategy. But perhaps, more importantly, this event brought people together; two new Year 7 students have already made plans to get together after the first day of term. This is what the BSN is all about - One-School, One family. 

One new family who moved from Zurich said:

We already feel settled in The Netherlands after this event. We received all the information we needed!

BSN Welcome Day 2016

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