Eradicate Uniforms or Better Pastoral Welfare: Senior School Holds Mock Election

On Thursday, the same day the UK held their General Election, the BSN Senior School has already announced the results of their Mock Election with the Liberal Democrats declared the winners ... possibly due to their campaign to eradicate school uniform!

The election was organised by a Year 12 student, and a team of Year 10 Business Enrichment students, the aim was to convey the idea of each political party’s values, applied to a BSN context. So, for example; the Conservatives were campaigning for stronger discipline, the Liberal Democrats would eradicate school uniform and the Labour party would invest in even better pastoral welfare.

With 29 classes (constituencies) in Years 7-10 , one Yr 12 and one staff constituency,  the Liberal Democrat party were ultimately victorious gaining a clear majority by winning 20 seats. With a 46% turnout this was a great insight into the democratic process for many students, as with 45% of the votes, the Lib Dems won 65% of the seats due to the ‘first past the post’ system of the UK voting system.

Ironically, regardless of the conclusion of the Mock Elections, it is indeed a non-uniform day at Senior School on Friday!

See the votes being cast in the Flickr album



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